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What Is Art?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So, what is exactly the definition of art?
Ferris and company ponder this same question...

Courtesy of The Root 42:

Haik sez...
" Art is the 18th episode of the Dilbert animated series. It originally aired on November 9, 1999."

sxates sez...
" Art is bullshit."

Ani sez...
"This question becomes more and more difficult to answer as the boundaries of art are being stretched and challenged constantly. Especially with the emergence of the post modern movement. But I think that's where the beauty and fascination lies. Art has as many definitions as the number of people on this earth. I think the essential thing is for each person to figure this out on their own, and the process of "figuring it out" is most enriching."

ström sez...
"I think, regardless of what definition we try to give it, the conversation will not end. Nor should it; the discussion of art brings huge insight into the conception of what constitutes interpretation, creation, and intelligent thought in general. Art is one factor that separates "intelligent" life from otherwise; art has existed as a concept for as long as humans have lived in groups. Communication began as "art;" drawing figures to convey meaning. Story-telling, oratory art, gave rise to true language. Cave paintings pre-dated all of these. Before we could even communicate effectively with one another, we were producing interpretable forms.

Art isn't one thing or another. Its definition is a means of forwarding advanced thought, and its application is a means of expressing our unique position among the set of living things. I think this is the only thing I can say for certain about art:

Art was, is, and will be."

Fai sez...
" thank fuck im an illustrator! i hate art!"

Dan Savage stole this quote...
"Art makes poblems and Design solves them."

sparky sez...
"Personally I think art is whatever it is to you, and that no one can tell you what is or isn't art, or put boundaries or constraints on your definition of art. Pretty much kills any discussion but hey-ho thats just my view."

Russell sez...
"I always thought, in the absolute sense, that art was purely subjective. So, ya, I agree, if you just paint a wall red, then it's not art, but if you create something that reflected your inner workings and thoughts then it could be considered art, whether or not one found it attractive, or appealing, because it is entirely subjective.

Design becomes more objective even though it's main tool is art, which is subjective. Design takes the subjective experience and creates in order to serve a specific purpose, which is essentially art, but is executed with a goal in mind other than self-expression."

Lucero sez...
"A teacher in a creative writing class doesn't want their students to come up with the next great American classic every week during warm-ups. Art is very much about solving philosophical problems that require lots of thought to narrow down how they're going to be represented."

Clark sez...
"Why would words be necessary to explain it, if it qualified as "art"? To me, the heart and soul of art is to describe something without needing words. If a piece needs more than a title, the name of the artist, and the date of creation, then can we really call it art?"

Mike Mates sez...
" Art doesn't need pretenses. It's something that has a different meaning to just about everyone."

skooder mcgavin sez...
" art is content, with a context."

lastly, Terry shines some mighty words of wisdom...
" Bob Ross is art. End. Of. Thread."

So with this entire discussion of what the definition of art is, one can only come to the conclusion that art is purely subjective and cannot be defined for there are no set of rules to define it with. Art is this conundrum which drives us that we love and hate at the same time.


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